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清泠逸冥:流泪数次儿科医生 电视剧非常感动低飞的鸟也想迎风破浪
亮月: is fluent and the performance of the two leading roles are good enough. Still the main issue is about the script. As a documentary movie, clearly it wasn’t realistic enough. When there’s a challenge comes to them, the audience wants to know the whole process of how they dealing with it in such a awful situation not a frame of days number.
罗宾寒:天啊这个动画真的有点不知道怎么评价比较好两首插入歌和主题曲是满分的画面也是美的从少年少女跑上灯塔看见形状奇怪的儿科医生 电视剧开始持续到结局特别是水下kiss那段感觉很不错了但是前面大部分剧情无聊简直困得要昏过去了女主在电车里唱歌那段我笑死了